because my body is the site where time becomes itself, actualized in space, abstracted by movement

Finding the rhythm of the words. Respecting intuition is a radical act. Trusting the traumatized body is a radical act. Because I am 1,000 Grains of Sand happened in the desert, an exploration of time in a place that feels untouched by it. Anger in A Blank Space, a nine day durational project about alienation, used that alienation as a mechanism to negotiate movement. Dance is Dead, we all get disillusioned sometimes. Native Tongue, who are we before we are spoken to? Iris’s Accumulation, still accumulating. I Hold Your Light Unbroken, a mirror is reflective because it gives back all the light that it receives. Cartography of Becoming, still becoming—practically though, a duet with falling rocks, falling from my body. More and more cycle through, various wombs—I want you to feel like you’re on a pilgrimage. The clocks of our bodies speaking to one another. Existing as a quiet cycle. Existing because I want to know what it means to fully embody the traumatized body. Existing because my body is the site of materiality where time becomes itself. Actualized in space, abstracted in movement.

More formally. Kat Brown is a multidisciplinary artist and writer. Kat's work integrates dance, performance and visual art. A concentrated but interdisciplinary focus on duration, dematerialization and subjectivity is consistently present within her work. Informed by somatic practices Kat's work approaches movement as a means to understand and embody symbolic logic. Through durational performance Kat’s work takes up the relationship between time and the body as a means of artistic inquiry.